The Shining [Dailymotion]

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Diane Johnson
director - Stanley Kubrick
Release Year - 1980
country - USA
Runtime - 146 minute
I have no choice ofbsaw rip. “you think MAYBE he should be taken to a DOCTOR?”. The Shining Download. The Shining Download torrente. Would have been perfect if Kubrick somehow removed the shadows from the ghosts on the floor and only had Jacks showing.
The Shining Download torrent download. I just love the sequels where it's revealed that the first movie villain was stronger than the second movie villain and he just comes and proves that by killing the second movie villain. Her: tries to hide Also her: aaaahhhhhh. The Shining Download torrent finder. 1:11:24 THINGS ARE WORSE THAN EVER. The Joker acted by Heath Ledger is sure to attract a lot more watchers.
  • MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS. br> I love this movie, not as an adaptation of King's excellent novel, but as a Kubrick/Johnson collaboration. While they kept the basic story, they came up with other themes than King (a.o. the native American theme)which works beautifully. Besides Shelly Duvall, the cast is fantastic. Sadly, Scatman Crothers appearance is highly reduced in the International version which cuts several scenes, especially in the beginning and during Halloran's journey to the Overlook. I haven't seen the U.S. version, but I do hope some day I will. It's hard to imagine that the interiors were done in soundstages, they're so elaborate (not to mention eerie. For the soundtrack, I'm glad that Kubrick didn't choose the music which was written for the movie (which appears in the DVD/Laserdisc documentary) but instead opted for Dies Irae. As for the 1997 mini series based on King's screenplay. I think it's great. Both that and this version are highly recommended (but not the latter for the faint of heart.
How would Stanley Kubrick thing about this. Them using some of his scene by remembering him. R.I.P dear sir. Very weird how Stephen King likes a shitty version of The Mist but doesnt like this... One of my favorite all time movies. Edit: the TV Show of The Mist, not to confuse with the great movie. YouTube. Rewatching a super intense scene The end of the video: peaceful music Kind of nice ngl lol. The description is wrong, in the original freddy isn't a pedophile, he's just a child murderer. Leurs états de santé. The Shining Download torrentz.

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Jigsaw. Do you wanna play a game Me. Let's play two gta and connect the dots okay. The fact this is her actual fearful reaction and real screams, makes this scene much more uncomfortable and real. I also found out she was calling out Jack (Nicholson's) name instead of his character's... The shining full movie download torrent. The Shining Download torrents. No :thumbsdown. Anyone else here from Ctrl Shift Face ???. Everything about this seems forged from some nightmare- the stilted, sort of surrealist acting? I don't know. I truly do not understand why people think she's bad. Because she's not a sexy young lass with revealing outfits? She's one of the best actors I've ever seen! She looks truly terrified.
They just don't, can't make them like this anymore. Todays producers, directors, just don't get it, are clueless about what scares people. Heath Ledgers masterpiece. The Shining Download torrentfreak. The Shining Download torrent. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2019 Verified Purchase There's a scene in Men in Black (1997) where the agents are marveling at some tiny alien media player contraption, and Tommy Lee Jones mumbles, "I guess I'll have to buy the 'White Album' all over again". That is what the 4K release of The Shining (1980) amounts to: an excuse to buy a movie you probably already own for no reason except that you were under the impression it was new and improved. If only it were. 1. 4K UHD provides stunning improvement to films that contain wide dynamic range and a great number of tiny details, such as 2001 (1968) and Apollo 13 (1995), but does little or nothing to improve a film comprised mostly of talking heads. 2. This is the first 4K disc that did not play all the way through. It froze badly enough in two places that I had to reboot the player to recover. On the third incident, I also ejected the disc, held it in light to see if it was smudged, and discovered that the lacquered side of the disc was literally transparent in those places they wanted the type to look silver. I wiped it anyway, and was able to resume the movie after the bad chapter. 3. This is the first 4K disc that during the interruptions, I tried to adjust the settings on my TV to see if I could correct the brightness and contrast, because it was awful in the Gold Room scenes. I only realized it was the morning when Jack Torrance goes nuts because until I kicked the brightness up, I wasn't aware that the scene was lit to resemble natural winter morning light. 4. The surround mix was pointless. There are no extras on the 4K disc, they had room for the original mono track. 5. There was no reason to alter the original aspect ratio. People who buy 4K versions of films are sophisticated enough to understand why letterboxing and pillarboxing are necessary to adapt the production aspect to the display aspect. My final impression is that The Shining 4K is a "fansploitation" product developed for the express purpose of selling you the White Album all over again. i just wish I'd have known that before I pre-ordered. Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2019 Verified Purchase The movie is great. I have seen it many times, both on 35mm during its original release and on every video format since. I have watched the 2019 HD Blu-Ray that comes in this new set (consisting of an HD Blu-Ray plus an Ultra HD 4K disc). Everything was fine (great picture clarity and sharpness, detail and color) until we got to the exterior night scenes at the end of the film. If you remember the climactic chase through the maze ("Danny! I'm right behind ya! ") as being lit at a low level (lots of dark shadows) and having a distinct blueish tint, you're right. That's how it has always looked. That was Kubrick's original color timing for all the exterior night scenes, in the maze and behind the hotel. And for 39 years, every film-to-tape transfer has recreated that look on video. Until now. Now the maze is brightly lit, nothing is really dark, and there's nothing blue about it. The snow is white, the shadowy areas are filled in. The maze chase has never looked like this before, and the effect is not good. It robs the scene of its mood, its mystery, and its iconic impact. The whole scene is too warm, not cold. Even the daylight close-up of Jack frozen at the end of the maze scene is too warm. There is no excuse for this. All they had to do was match their own previous Blu-Ray release, which was color-timed correctly. As for this new one, I can't bear to watch this thing ever again. The previous, correctly timed Blu-Ray wasn't quite as sharp and detailed as this one, but the color was correct throughout. And the climactic scenes behind the hotel and in the maze looked as Kubrick wanted them to look. Warner Brothers Home Video should be ashamed of this careless release. They should fix it and re-issue the 4K and HD discs. Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2018 Verified Purchase Very vulgar. Nudity, horrible language. Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2018 Verified Purchase I first saw this movie when it was released to theaters. Having read the book, I went with great anticipation. The Shining is a great ghost story. One of Steven King's best works. I was so disappointed in Kubrick's film. However, today I realize that transferring a book to a movie is always going to involve a certain number of compromises. Having now seen the film several times I can appreciate it for what it is and enjoy it on it's own merits. I listened to an interview with Dan Brown, author of 'The Da Vinvi Code' on NPR a few years ago. He talked about His book being made into a film. He said his book had 125 points. In the film they were reduced to 4. He wasn't upset. Movies are a different media with more limitations than print. He felt that if the audience enjoyed the film it might attract more people to read his book(s). All of that applies here. The photography is beautiful. The music is truly creepy, The overlook hotel is perfect. Nicholson is great. Shelly Duval's performance is perfect. My first reaction all those years ago was too hasty and wrong. As horror films today go, this one is excellent. Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2018 Verified Purchase What’s to add to The Shining? A struggling writer and his wife are hired to watch over an enormous hotel that has more baggage than its guests?including the murder by a previous caretaker of his family. Jack Nicholson seems to be all work, although his actual output leaves a lot to be desired. The past intrudes, and soon Jack is knocking them down at the bar, suddenly peopled. Things go downhill from there. An employee and the little boy of the couple share “the Shining” which is some sort of ESP. In this case it shows visions of the murdered twins and oceans of blood. When Jack Nicholson goes on his ax rampage, will the Shining save his family? Kubrick’s brightly-lit, boldly-colored pallette gives the viewer no shadows?everything is bright and clean. Creepy shadows would spoil things. Instead we get unmerciful lighting. We’re never allowed to forget how big and empty and isolated the off-season hotel is. One of the scariest movies made. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Great film - even better in blu-ray! (extended US version) Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 28, 2016 Verified Purchase Classic horror / psychological thriller, looks surprisingly good in blu-ray considering it's age and darker visuals. I was glad to find this the extended US version, which adds some extra, interesting scenes here and there to flesh out the story more. Great cinematography, use of modern / contemporary classical music to enrich the disturbing, unpredictable nature of the film and of course a thrillingly, uninhibited performance by Jack Nicholson. 19 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse 4. 0 out of 5 stars I can see why it was such a classic thriler Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 23, 2019 Verified Purchase So I have only just watched to Shining for the first time- and I admit I'm in my mid 30's. I can see why this movie was such a phenomenon and a favorite. Looking at it with eyes that are used to CGI and a lot scarier content will make this movie look tame but you can not deny the greatness that is Jack Nicholson. The movie does get into your head and the music does have the ability to keep you on the edge of your seat. There are some cringe worthy moments but all in all a great film that paved the way for thrillers nowadays. It needs to be seen 2 people found this helpful 2. 0 out of 5 stars Kein Vergleich zum Buch Reviewed in Germany on September 14, 2018 Verified Purchase An für sich ist der Film nicht schlecht und Jack Nicholson bringt den Wahnsinn super rüber ABER wer die Romanvorlage kennt wird entäuscht sein. Der Film ist wesentlich flacher und der Geist des Buches lebt im Film kein bisschen auf. Das namengebende Shining wird mir im Film viel zu wenig thematisiert und die Umsetzung von "Tonie" wirkt beinahe schon albern. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere mochte selbst Stephen King den Film nicht besonders. 24 people found this helpful Report abuse 5. 0 out of 5 stars Stimmungsvoll und fies, mysteriös Reviewed in Germany on July 7, 2019 Verified Purchase Ich liebe Stephen King-Verfilmungen generell und diese hier im Besonderen. "Shining" funktioniert sowohl als Drama wie auch als Horrorfilm, wurde so auch von Mr Kubrick bewusst angelegt. Auch wenn diese Auslegung/ Konzentration auf das Thema Familiendrama Stephen King weniger gefallen hat, er deshalb an einem späteren Drehbuch für eine "Shining" TV-Version (USA 1997) mitgeschrieben hat (diese habe ich noch nicht gesehen), gefällt mir dieser, langsam in Gang kommende Film sehr gut. Das Unheil liegt von Beginn an schon in der Luft... Sollte man unbedingt im Dunkeln sehen, das versteht sich bei dieser Art von Film von selbst, aber hier nochmal im Besonderen: Die 70er Jahre (Grusel-)farben kommen dann noch viel besser zur Geltung. Brilliant. Atmosphärisch für mich Oberklasse. Nicht umsonst inspiriert dieser Film die Filmemacher/ Drehbuchautoren bis heute... Übrigens, "Doctor Sleep" (USA 2019) schaut auch bald um die Ecke (Kinostart: 21. Nov. 2019), mit Ewan McGregor als erwachsenen Dan Torrance in der Hauptrolle. 15 people found this helpful Here's Jonny!!! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on December 12, 2018 Verified P
The Shining Download torrent sites. Critics Consensus Though it deviates from Stephen King's novel, Stanley Kubrick's The Shining is a chilling, often baroque journey into madness -- exemplified by an unforgettable turn from Jack Nicholson. 85% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 91 93% Audience Score User Ratings: 481, 470 The Shining Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Shining Videos Photos Movie Info "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" -- or, rather, a homicidal boy in Stanley Kubrick's eerie 1980 adaptation of Stephen King's horror novel. With wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and psychic son Danny (Danny Lloyd) in tow, frustrated writer Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) takes a job as the winter caretaker at the opulently ominous, mountain-locked Overlook Hotel so that he can write in peace. Before the Overlook is vacated for the Torrances, the manager (Barry Nelson) informs Jack that a previous caretaker went crazy and slaughtered his family; Jack thinks it's no problem, but Danny's "shining" hints otherwise. Settling into their routine, Danny cruises through the empty corridors on his Big Wheel and plays in the topiary maze with Wendy, while Jack sets up shop in a cavernous lounge with strict orders not to be disturbed. Danny's alter ego, "Tony, " however, starts warning of "redrum" as Danny is plagued by more blood-soaked visions of the past, and a blocked Jack starts visiting the hotel bar for a few visions of his own. Frightened by her husband's behavior and Danny's visit to the forbidding Room 237, Wendy soon discovers what Jack has really been doing in his study all day, and what the hotel has done to Jack. ~ Lucia Bozzola, Rovi Rating: R (adult situations/language, nudity, violence) Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery & Suspense, Special Interest Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: May 23, 1980 wide On Disc/Streaming: Jun 29, 1999 Runtime: 145 minutes Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures Cast News & Interviews for The Shining Critic Reviews for The Shining Audience Reviews for The Shining The Shining Quotes Movie & TV guides.
6:08 not all of them are the same :eyes. The Shining Download torrent search. The Shining Download torrent freak. All reviews r fake. don't waste time on this piece of crap. quite easily the worst horror movie i have seen. those ppl who feel this movie is scary r the ppl who can b scared by cats. The Shining UK theatrical release poster Directed by Stanley Kubrick Produced by Stanley Kubrick Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick Diane Johnson Based on The Shining by Stephen King Starring Jack Nicholson Shelley Duvall Scatman Crothers Danny Lloyd Music by Wendy Carlos Rachel Elkind Cinematography John Alcott Edited by Ray Lovejoy Production company The Producer Circle Company Peregrine Productions Hawk Films Distributed by Warner Bros. Release date May?23,?1980 (United States) [1] October?2,?1980 (United Kingdom) [2] Running time 146 minutes (premiere) 144 minutes (American) [3] 119 minutes (European) [4] Country United States [5] United Kingdom [5] Language English Budget $19 million [6] Box office $46. 2 million [6] The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick and co-written with novelist Diane Johnson. The film is based on Stephen King 's 1977 novel of the same name and stars Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd. The central character in The Shining is Jack Torrance (Nicholson), an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic, who accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies. Wintering over with Jack are his wife, Wendy Torrance (Duvall) and young son, Danny Torrance (Lloyd). Danny possesses "the shining", psychic abilities that enable him to see into the hotel's horrific past. The hotel cook, Dick Hallorann (Crothers), also has this ability and is able to communicate with Danny telepathically. The hotel had a previous winter caretaker who went insane and killed his family and himself. After a winter storm leaves the Torrances snowbound, Jack's sanity deteriorates due to the influence of the supernatural forces that inhabit the hotel, placing his wife and son in danger. Production took place almost exclusively at EMI Elstree Studios, with sets based on real locations. Kubrick often worked with a small crew, which allowed him to do many takes, sometimes to the exhaustion of the actors and staff. The new Steadicam mount was used to shoot several scenes, giving the film an innovative and immersive look and feel. There has been much speculation into the meanings and actions in the film because of inconsistencies, ambiguities, symbolism, and differences from the book. The film was released in the United States on May 23, 1980, and in the United Kingdom on October 2, 1980, by Warner Bros. There were several versions for theatrical releases, each of which was cut shorter than the one preceding it; about 27 minutes were cut in total. Reactions to the film at the time of its release were mixed; Stephen King criticized the film due to its deviations from the novel. Critical opinion has become more favorable and it is now widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential horror films ever made and has become a staple of pop culture. In 2018, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". [7] A sequel, Doctor Sleep, was released on November 8, 2019, in the United States, and on October 31, 2019, in Europe. Plot [ edit] School teacher-turned-writer Jack Torrance arrives at the remote Overlook Hotel in the Rocky Mountains to be interviewed for the position of winter caretaker. The hotel, which opened in 1909 and was built on the site of a Native American burial ground, closes during the snowed-in months. Once hired, Jack plans to use the hotel's solitude to write. Manager Stuart Ullman tells Jack about the hotel's history and warns him about its reputation: a previous caretaker, Charles Grady, supposedly developed cabin fever and killed his family and himself. Despite the troubling story, Jack is impressed with the hotel and gets the job. In Boulder, Jack's son, Danny, has a terrifying premonition about the hotel, and Jack's wife, Wendy, tells a doctor about Danny's imaginary friend, Tony. When the family moves into the hotel on closing day, head chef Dick Hallorann surprises Danny by telepathically offering him ice cream. Hallorann explains to Danny that he and his grandmother shared this telepathic ability, which he calls "shining". Hallorann tells Danny that the hotel has a "shine" to it along with many memories, not all of which are good. He also tells Danny to stay away from room 237. A month passes; while Jack's writing goes nowhere, Danny and Wendy explore the hotel's hedge maze and Hallorann goes to Florida. Wendy learns that the phone lines are out due to the heavy snowfall, and Danny has frightening visions. Jack behaves strangely and becomes prone to violent outbursts. Danny's curiosity about room 237 overcomes him when he sees the room's door open. Later, Wendy finds Jack screaming during a nightmare while asleep at his typewriter. After she awakens him, Jack says he dreamed that he killed her and Danny. Danny arrives, visibly traumatized and bruised. Wendy accuses Jack of abusing him, which Jack denies. Jack wanders into the hotel's Gold Room and meets a ghostly bartender named Lloyd, to whom he complains about his marriage. Wendy tells Jack that Danny told her a "crazy woman" in room 237 attempted to strangle him. Jack investigates room 237 and encounters a dead woman's ghost, but he tells Wendy that he saw nothing. Wendy and Jack argue over whether Danny should be removed from the hotel, and Jack angrily returns to the Gold Room, which is now filled with ghosts attending a ball. While participating, he meets a ghostly waiter who identifies himself as Delbert Grady. Grady informs Jack that Danny has reached out to Hallorann using his "talent", and says that Jack must "correct" his wife and child. Hallorann grows concerned about what is going on at the hotel and flies back to Colorado. Danny calls out "redrum" and goes into another trance, referring to himself as "Tony". While searching for Jack, Wendy discovers that her now-deranged husband has been typing pages filled with the phrase " All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ". She begs Jack to leave the hotel with Danny, but he threatens her. Wendy knocks him unconscious with a baseball bat and locks him in the kitchen pantry, but she and Danny are both trapped as Jack has disabled the hotel's two-way radio and snowcat. Jack converses through the pantry door with Grady. Moments later the door is unlocked, freeing Jack. Danny continues chanting and drawing the word "REDRUM". When Wendy sees the word reversed in the bedroom mirror, the word is revealed to be "MURDER". Jack hacks through the quarters' main door with an axe. Wendy sends Danny through the bathroom window, but it will not open sufficiently for her to pass. Jack breaks through the door, but retreats after Wendy slashes his hand with a knife. Hearing Hallorann arriving in a snowcat, Jack ambushes and murders him in the lobby, then pursues Danny into the hedge maze. Wendy runs through the hotel looking for Danny, encountering ghosts, a cascade of blood Danny envisioned in Boulder, and Hallorann's corpse. Danny lays a false trail to mislead Jack and hides behind a snowdrift. Danny escapes from the maze and reunites with Wendy; they leave in Hallorann's snowcat, while Jack freezes to death after losing Danny's trail. In a photograph in the hotel hallway, Jack is pictured standing amid a crowd of party revelers from 1921. Cast [ edit] In the European cut, all of the scenes involving Jackson and Burton were removed but the credits remained unchanged. Dennen is on-screen in all versions of the film, albeit to a limited degree (and with no dialogue) in the European cut. The actresses who played the ghosts of the murdered Grady daughters, Lisa and Louise Burns, are identical twins; [8] however, the characters in the book and film script are merely sisters, not twins. In the film's dialogue, Mr. Ullman says he thinks they were "about eight and ten". Nonetheless, they are frequently referred to in discussions about the film as "the Grady twins". The resemblance in the staging of the Grady girls and the "Twins" photograph by Diane Arbus has been noted both by Arbus' biographer, Patricia Bosworth, [9] the Kubrick assistant who cast and coached them, Leon Vitali, [10] and by numerous Kubrick critics. [11] Although Kubrick both met Arbus personally and studied photography under her during his youthful days as photographer for Look magazine, Kubrick's widow says he did not deliberately model the Grady girls on Arbus' photograph, in spite of widespread attention to the resemblance. [12] Production [ edit] Saint Mary Lake with its Wild Goose Island is seen during the opening scene of The Shining. Genesis [ edit] Before making The Shining, Kubrick directed the film Barry Lyndon (1975), a highly visual period film about an Irishman who attempts to make his way into the British aristocracy. Despite its technical achievements, the film was not a box-office success in the United States and was derided by critics for being too long and too slow. Kubrick, disappointed with Barry Lyndon ' s lack of success, realized he needed to make a film that would be commercially viable as well as artistically fulfilling. Stephen King was told that Kubrick had his staff bring him stacks of horror books as he planted himself in his office to read them all: "Kubrick's secretary heard the sound of each book hitting the wall as the director flung it into a reject pile after reading the first few pages. Finally one day the secretary noticed it had been a while since she had heard the thud of another writer's work bitin
I remember seeing this when it first hit theaters. Then seeing it at least 5 more times cause all my friends wanted to. The bear costume scene is the scariest part and yall shady for putting it low and on a triple cycle edit. I see you mojo. 1:52 I like how the damaged Wood just leans on the Camera Lens.

Author: Boris Tomicic C
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[Dailymotion] The Shining Download Torrent Rated 4.4 / 5 based on 172 reviews.









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